Here are 11 funny damon salvatore quotes ( explained each ).

damon salvatore funny quotes


Damon Salvatore is a fictional character from the television series The Vampire Diaries, portrayed by Ian Somerhalder. He is one of the main characters and is Elena's brother.

"It's like the world is a balloon and the air that holds it up is love. And I don't have any of it."

"It's like the world is a balloon and the air that holds it up is love. And I don't have any of it."

Damon is talking about how he feels for Elena, but he doesn't realize that she's already been turned into a vampire by Stefan. 

This quote shows how much he cares about Elenor and how much they mean to each other, even though they can't be together due to their roles in this world.

"Sorry, I'm busy counting my money. I'll get back to you when I run out."

Damon Salvatore is a vampire and he is rich. 

He has a lot of money because he owns a bar, which means that he can afford to buy things for everyone in his family. 

Damon Salvatore is sarcastic, but also funny.

He says this line in the first book when Elena asks him for help: "Sorry, I'm busy counting my money. I'll get back to you when I run out."

"Anyway, if you had any sense at all, you'd have known that trying to kill me with a tire iron was not your best move."

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"I also changed my mind. I won't be taking Caroline to dinner. I will be taking Elena to dinner."

“I also changed my mind. I won't be taking Caroline to dinner. I will be taking Elena to dinner."

Damon's famous line, “I am not going to take her anywhere near that place,” is a perfect example of Damon's sarcastic humor which makes him such an interesting character to watch on screen.

"I'm a vampire, Elena. It's not like I'm going to hell for this."

Damon is not going to hell. He's a vampire, and vampires are not going to hell. 

That's the general consensus among all my friends who have read the books and watched the show. 

And this is true—Damon has done bad things, but he isn't going to hell for them (unless you think that vampires can go there).

"I never die. People just think I do."

Damon Salvatore is a vampire, and he's been around for over 200 years. 

He has lived through wars and revolutions, he's seen friends die and families fall apart. But no matter what happens to him or those around him, Damon always seems to bounce back from it all.

Damon has been known to say that he never dies—people just think he does because they don't know what really happens when you become a vampire (or at least that's what I think).

"You know what the worst part about immortality is? Being unable to lie for all eternity; being forced to tell the truth no matter how painful or mundane."

  • You know what the worst part about immortality is? Being unable to lie for all eternity; being forced to tell the truth no matter how painful or mundane.

  • If vampires could lie, then we'd have a lot more trouble in this world.

"So let me get this straight, I don't get to live and neither does she?"

This quote sums up Damon's emotions in the first season. 

He is not happy that he will not be allowed to live, as well as Elena's death. 

He wants to be with her forever, and this quote shows how much he cares for her.

"For in all you are my sister, and one day your heart will find rest having found him with whom your soul shall be blessed"

  • "For in all you are my sister, and one day your heart will find rest having found him with whom your soul shall be blessed."

  • "The hardest thing about being a vampire is when you can't go home."

  • "You know it's true because I am here to tell you so."

"'Since 1864'. So we've finally made it official, huh? Screwing around behind everyone's back."

"Since 1864"

Damon is talking about the date of his death. 

This quote is important because it shows that Damon and Elena are still together, despite not being supposed to be. 

They have been dating since they were children and now they are adults with children who live with them. 

They have also been involved in a relationship for many years before even becoming vampires so it makes sense that they would continue in their relationship even after becoming vampires - especially since there was no way for them to see each other again after their deaths!

"Because the world has turned upside down and now it makes sense. Because you're here."

"Because the world has turned upside down and now it makes sense. Because you're here."

This quote is from the episode "The Vampire Diaries" in season 6 of The Vampire Diaries. Damon Salvatore said this to Caroline Forbes at his grave after he had been buried for several months. 

He was giving her an explanation for why he had been buried, but she didn't want to hear it because she wanted him back alive again so they could talk about things like how much they loved each other or what their plans were for the future together.


These quotes are just some of the many that Damon has said over the years in his books and shows. 

Now you can finally pick up your copy of Transitions: a collection of humorous quotes from Damon Salvatore, Vampire Hunter. 

If you love these quotes as much as I do, then be sure to check out the full book on Amazon Kindle!

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